Upgrade to a reliable electricity supply
Have you been issued with defect notices for your consumer installation? There are many elements that make up the total connection, both on-premises and off-premises and they can become dated, degraded, corroded, over-grown or they simply may be too old to adhere to current safety standards.
Our level 2 electrician in Sydney can help upgrade any point of your connection including the point of attachment, point of supply, and point of connection to ensure your mains power is up to the latest safety standards. This is work that must be completed by an Accredited Level 2 Service Provider and Active 1 Electrical Services is a leading provider that can attend any home or business premises in the Greater Sydney region.
Our level 2 electrician in Sydney is fully qualified for full disconnections, mains power supply upgrades and replacements and reconnection and will ensure all of the required testings are carried out to ensure your new mains supply meets AS3000 wiring rules, Australian safety regulations, and NSW Service regulations.